Miriam & Luis

Yosemite, California

When Miriam first contacted me about her wedding in Yosemite, I knew I would do anything to make this happen.

What I thought would be an awesome trip to Yosemite, turned to be one of the most amazing and intimate weddings I’ve attended.

In the middle of the pandemic, Miriam and Luis decided they could not wait any longer. And that all they needed to get married - was each other and the 15 closest people in their lives. The people that they truly care about.

On a hot October day, Miriam and Luis declared their love for each other and started a new beautiful chapter in their lives. With Miriam being a photographer, we’ve been able to stay in touch. I’ve been able to see them celebrate anniversaries, renovate their home and add furry friends to their family.

In the end, what I loved most about this wedding, wasn’t the breathtaking views. It was the very real love that Miriam and Luis have for each other. Their vulnerability and honesty that often goes unspoken and very few have the chance to experience. And I now have 2 friends in Dinuba, CA who are the truest testament of love!

P.S. They engraved some items in lieu of a sitting chart for their 15 guests + Sierra, the photographer, and me. It’s been almost 3 years and I still have mine

First - Roary

Photography - Sierra Brooke Photo


Bea & Dexter